
Karnataka Health Department Bans Hookah Sale and Consumption


The Karnataka Health Department issued a notification on Wednesday banning the sale and consumption of hookah immediately, in a major move to protect public health. The government’s decision, motivated by public safety concerns, is in response to the state’s fire policy and fire safety regulations, which often break down in hookah beverages.

After a fire broke out at a hookah bar in Koramangala last year, highlighting the importance of strict fire safety rules in such places, the ban has become all the more important.

According to an order of the Karnataka government, hookah bars are considered potential fire hazards in the state, posing a risk of violating fire prevention and safety norms Hookah smoking has been detected in hotels, bars, and restaurants variety in are a public health unsafe for consumption.

The general prohibition applies to the sale, consumption, and advertising of hookah products, including hookah tobacco or nicotine-containing substitutes, flavored or unsweetened hookah molasses, shisha, etc. Appropriate that this prohibition is immediately implemented in the public health interest of the country.

To ensure compliance, the government has empowered authorities to take legal action against violators under a number of acts, including the Cigarette and Tobacco Products Act of 2003 (COTPA). , the Child Safety and Security Act of 2015, the Food Safety Act of 2006 the Quality Act, Karnataka Poisons (Possession and Sale) Rules, 2015, and relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and Fire Protection Act.

The fitness branch of the nation emphasized the oral intake of hookah through a sealed container, using a nozzle or pipe tool. It highlighted the potential fitness risks related to hookah, together with the unfolding of infectious sicknesses along with herpes, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and even Covid-19.

Citing research, the government order talked about that a 45-minute session of hookah smoking is equal to smoking a hundred cigarettes, signifying the dangerous impact on fitness. Referring to the World Health Organization’s report, highlighted hookah’s addictive nature, containing excessive stages of nicotine or tobacco and molasses or flavoring substances with the dangerous chemical carbon monoxide.

This proactive measure by the Karnataka health department reflects a commitment to public health and safety, addressing both immediate concerns and the potential long-term health risks associated with hookah consumption. As the ban takes effect, it reinforces the state’s dedication to creating a safe environment for its citizens and mitigating health hazards posed by hookah use.

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